A blog on the curious language on one of the Bible’s most popular “thanksgiving” scriptures: Deuteronomy 26:1-11.
Read MoreMoses
God's Hind Omega!

When in Exodus 33 God denies Moses' request to show him His face, He offers instead to show His "backside." This not only inspired some great art by Michelangelo but can get our joke-making muscles going like nobody's business! Here's are a few "wisecracks" by yours truly....
Read MoreMan-Cave!

Despite the fact that the Bible takes place in an always-patriarchal world and commands allegiance to a singular, male god, it's hardly a pro-male text. In fact, so many of the men in the bible (Mr. God included) are fickle bumblers exhibiting traits typically ascribed to wives, slaves. and jesters!
Read MoreWhy We're So Happy They've Finally Invented "Ten Commandment Salt & Pepper Shakers!"

These salt and pepper shakers, in the humble opinion of The Comic Lens, are the perfect size, the right practicality and in the perfect spirit of light-heartedness for the faithful follower who wants a replica of the Bible’s renowned Decalogue for their abode (or State Capital).
Read MoreSt. Barney Strikes Again!

The story of "The Transfiguration" becomes a lot of fun (and theologically spot on!) when we remember that Peter is the "Barney Fife" of the Gospels....
Read MoreFor God So 'Ugh'd' the World....

Did Jesus want us to find comedy in his crucifixion?
Read MoreWhen God "Called" Me (Call Waiting Pt. 2)

When God calls us with a mission, it may not be very pretty. But it can, in hindsight, be pretty funny!
Read MoreCall Waiting....

God's call to Moses through "The Burning Bush" is usually presented as very awesome. Very grand. Very seeerious. But what if it's actually a comedy?
Read MoreTwo and a Half Tribes

In the Bible, it's always the "least likely" who surprisingly shine. And that's who saves the day for the Exodus!
Read MoreExodus to Dutch Wonderland

Let's face it: anger can make fools of us all, God included.
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