A blog on the curious language on one of the Bible’s most popular “thanksgiving” scriptures: Deuteronomy 26:1-11.
Read MoreFool
Dumb and Dumber!

Who could possibly be dumber than Farrelly Brothers fools? Why, the idol-makers of Isaiah 44 of course! Dumbest!
Read MoreWhat Kind of Fool Am I?

Thoughts on the rich fool Jesus so humorously depicts in Luke 12. Let’s play!
Read MoreA Thanksgiving Prayer That'll Make You Puke!

Amidst the incredible sights and smells of the Thanksgiving table you are today undoubtedly in some way gathered around today, we invite you to bring into the mix a bit of sense memory of Jonah.
Read More"The King doth protest too much...and too little!"

It’s more “funny strange” than “funny ha-ha,” but King Herod is such a great guy in Mark’s account of John’s beheading! (Maybe that’s a little funny ha-ha, too….)
Read MoreOfficious-licious!!

There’s no better way to understand (and enjoy!) Jesus’ comic treatment of the Pharisees and their relationship with The Law than to watch an Andy Griffith episode featuring Barney Fife. And then read Mark 2:23-27!

Because Easter this year fell on April 1, there was I am sure many a preacher -- and many a sermon --exploring comic elements of this most-significant day of the Christian year and, hence, the Way of Christian Discipleship. Isn't that great?? Here was my contribution!!
Read MoreButt Dust, Indeed!

This photo, very popular on Facebook this week, prompts The Comic Lens to do a little analysis about why, in addition to being hilarious, is most theologically apropos!
Read MoreCrazy Ash Scripture!

In the book of Jonah, animals wander around mourning their sins in sackcloth and ashes. Is that a stupid pet trick...or what??
Read MoreMan-Cave!

Despite the fact that the Bible takes place in an always-patriarchal world and commands allegiance to a singular, male god, it's hardly a pro-male text. In fact, so many of the men in the bible (Mr. God included) are fickle bumblers exhibiting traits typically ascribed to wives, slaves. and jesters!
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