Thoughts on the rich fool Jesus so humorously depicts in Luke 12. Let’s play!
Read MoreWhat Kind of Fool Am I?

Thoughts on the rich fool Jesus so humorously depicts in Luke 12. Let’s play!
Read MoreOn this Mid-Term Election day, please spare us your cute little anecdotes!
Read MoreIt's not quite as outrageous as the most hilarious SNL sketch ever, but what Jesus does in Luke 24:36-43 is pretty close!
Read MoreThoughts on this most-important topic of conversation (and action), through the Comic Lens
Read MoreThe verses in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians prohibiting women to speak or have authority over men are considered among the worst, and most dangerous, in scripture. What difference might it make if we view these texts through a comic lens??
Read MoreSo many of the signs from the Women's Marches of January 21 were clever, funny and sharply-messaged. Can they help us see the humor in the signs of the Bible, especially the one that ends up being Jesus?
Read MoreHere's one way both St. Thomas Aquinas and Monty Python's "Spam" song can find their way into a Christmas Eve sermon. Offered by request.
Read MoreHere's a sermon of mine that made it into print! As an example of "Comedy and Preaching", I compare the Kingdom of God to a church rummage sale. Seems that now is a good time to share this sermon for a number of reasons, including the beginning of the Cubs-Indians World Series....
Read MoreIt's crazy to even begin to compare God's Realm to what's going on right now.... But maybe Jesus would suggest something so absurd that it's funny. Like with his "Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge" (among others...).
Read MoreHere's a sketch I recently helped write. It explores how Jesus' radically "upside down" thinking might speak to the biggest thing since sliced bread -- this year's Presidential debates, of course.
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