Thanksgiving - and the Bible - invite us to be grateful for some pretty weird things. So how great there are gourds in our Thanksgiving centerpiece! (If not on our plate....)
Read MoreWhy We're Grateful for Gourds

2016 Presidential Election
Thanksgiving - and the Bible - invite us to be grateful for some pretty weird things. So how great there are gourds in our Thanksgiving centerpiece! (If not on our plate....)
Read MoreFollowing Tuesday night's election returns, there are a lot of deeply grieving people. It's important to grieve, and there are additional important tools for handling times such as these, too. Laughter expert Allen Klein poignantly shares his experiences as he struggled with his father's death. Hope this helps.
Read MoreIt's crazy to even begin to compare God's Realm to what's going on right now.... But maybe Jesus would suggest something so absurd that it's funny. Like with his "Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge" (among others...).
Read MoreAs Victor Borge said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." (Which he undoubtedly then punctuated with a pratfall off the piano bench.) What great, inspiring, faithful advice - and action! - this is for us all, especially amidst the thick tensions of this election season.
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