On this Mid-Term Election day, please spare us your cute little anecdotes!
Read MorePlease Jesus PLEASE, No Parable Today!

On this Mid-Term Election day, please spare us your cute little anecdotes!
Read MoreHarvey Fierstein is a master at making gentle fun of himself to break down the barriers that divide us. This blog is not about him (but his name afforded a title I could not resist!); although, in this discussion about the meeting of Jesus and Nathaniel it could be....
Read MoreSo many of the signs from the Women's Marches of January 21 were clever, funny and sharply-messaged. Can they help us see the humor in the signs of the Bible, especially the one that ends up being Jesus?
Read MoreAs Victor Borge said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." (Which he undoubtedly then punctuated with a pratfall off the piano bench.) What great, inspiring, faithful advice - and action! - this is for us all, especially amidst the thick tensions of this election season.
Read MoreWhen Christians (especially in the midst of tense conferencing) need the peace the world cannot give, Jesus says it's time to seek - and find - LAUGHTER!
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