On this Mid-Term Election day, please spare us your cute little anecdotes!
Read MorePlease Jesus PLEASE, No Parable Today!

On this Mid-Term Election day, please spare us your cute little anecdotes!
Read MoreWe have lived through the shock and horror of September 11, the gracious coming together of September 12, the “new normal” of September 13…. Where do we go from here? Let’s see what a comic lens on scripture might suggest….
Read MoreThoughts on baptism (and wacky London donuts) through the comic lens!
Read MoreThe verses in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians prohibiting women to speak or have authority over men are considered among the worst, and most dangerous, in scripture. What difference might it make if we view these texts through a comic lens??
Read MoreWhen trying to decipher the humor of Jesus (and its profound and prophetic power), the Comic Lens suggests comparing it to the humor of Hawkeye Pierce. Cheers! (Sort of....)
Read MoreThe Comic Lens invites you to enter into this year's Holy Week by contemplating, among other things, giant killer bugs. (And donkeys....)
Read MoreHumor is emerging as a major tool for resistance and transformation in the current political maelstrom. This isn't new. Jesus even shows his disciples how!
Read MoreIs it possible to have fun - a lot of fun - with that long list of often unpronounceable names at the beginning of Matthew's gospel that comprise Jesus' genealogy?
Read MoreThey're one of the few specifically-mentioned foods in our "Christmas scriptures." Wouldn't it be great fun - and more - to include at your next Holiday Open House?
Read MoreApocalyptic Christmas Carols are but one fun and festive way to get your Advent Season off to a theologically correct start! Here's more!
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