My article for the local Waverly newspaper summing up my experiences over the past five years, through the comic lens, of course!
Read MoreA Most-Fond Farewell....

My article for the local Waverly newspaper summing up my experiences over the past five years, through the comic lens, of course!
Read MoreLearn about the very special saint I shared with my mom. Perhaps Ethbin will become a cherished saint for you, too!
Read MoreIt's not quite as outrageous as the most hilarious SNL sketch ever, but what Jesus does in Luke 24:36-43 is pretty close!
Read MoreBecause Easter this year fell on April 1, there was I am sure many a preacher -- and many a sermon --exploring comic elements of this most-significant day of the Christian year and, hence, the Way of Christian Discipleship. Isn't that great?? Here was my contribution!!
Read MoreThe verses in 1 Timothy and 1 Corinthians prohibiting women to speak or have authority over men are considered among the worst, and most dangerous, in scripture. What difference might it make if we view these texts through a comic lens??
Read MoreThis year, the ancient Christian concept of Risus Paschalis ("The Easter Laugh") came to have new and deeper meaning for me and my family.
Read MoreWhy the gospel episode in John 21:1-19 stars Jesus as Samantha and Peter as Darren Stevens.
Read MoreHere's a little toy to help us better understand - and relish - true Easter joy!
Read MoreThe Rev. "Laughing Laura" Gentry and I assembled Ascension Day worship last Sunday.... 'nuff said!
Read MoreHow many ways can our Easter basket loaded with candy help us remember what the Bible says?
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