"I Love Lucy"

Baby Showers!

Baby Showers!

Despite the often bitter contention as to what, according to Jesus, it takes to see the Kingdom of God:  does one have to be "born again" or "born from above"?  The bottom line is that it involves birth, and birth is one of the earmarks of comedy.  How's that for Good News?!!

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Tricksters, Terrorists and Taste Buds: Thoughts on Jacob and the Current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

Tricksters, Terrorists and Taste Buds:  Thoughts on Jacob and the Current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

As Israel and Palestine have jumped into another heartbreaking round of intensified bloodshed and intractable vitriol aimed at one another, I wonder if what the Bible says about tricksters, especially in the "Jacob Cycle" of Genesis 25-33, can provide helpful insight.

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