Here's a sermon of mine that made it into print! As an example of "Comedy and Preaching", I compare the Kingdom of God to a church rummage sale. Seems that now is a good time to share this sermon for a number of reasons, including the beginning of the Cubs-Indians World Series....
Read MoreJesus
The Kingdom of God is Like a Presidential Campaign
It's crazy to even begin to compare God's Realm to what's going on right now.... But maybe Jesus would suggest something so absurd that it's funny. Like with his "Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge" (among others...).
Read MoreThe Parable of the Debate
Here's a sketch I recently helped write. It explores how Jesus' radically "upside down" thinking might speak to the biggest thing since sliced bread -- this year's Presidential debates, of course.
Read MoreThis Fall, Pratfall!
As Victor Borge said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." (Which he undoubtedly then punctuated with a pratfall off the piano bench.) What great, inspiring, faithful advice - and action! - this is for us all, especially amidst the thick tensions of this election season.
Read MoreGuardians of the Galaxy!
What an odd, interesting, and funny (both funny "ha ha" and funny "strange") batch of superheroes! Hence, popular, too!! Sort of like the "Cloud of Witnesses" listed in Hebrews 11!!!
Read MoreStuff!
If ever there were a fabulous opportunity to begin a sermon with a stand-up comedy routine, it's with Jesus' "Parable of the Rich Fool." And you don't even have to come up with new material! George Carlin's will do just fine. Better! (Be sure to give him credit, tho.)
Read MoreThe Comedy of Prayer
When the disciples asks Jesus how to pray, his response is pretty funny!
Read MoreI'm Not Dead Yet!
Why this Spamalot song - in all its splendid goofiness - has been surprisingly helpful as I deal with scripture and grief over my brother's sudden, tragic death.
Read MoreBe Careful What You Ask For
The Church's wish to fulfill Jesus' "Great Commission" and make disciples of all nations has always more than come true. This can, a lot of the time, make for some helpful ironic humor; for the UMC, perhaps now.
Read MoreOn Whirled Peas and General Conference
When Christians (especially in the midst of tense conferencing) need the peace the world cannot give, Jesus says it's time to seek - and find - LAUGHTER!
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